Receive the energy of blessings from the Angels of IET®
This month's messages culminated in a theme that I call Inspired Forward Movement. My intention that the messages and blessings be for the highest good of whoever chooses to receive them.
I select 3 cards from the Bag of Blessings* to use as prompts for the messages. I then feel and interpret what additional information comes through for each card. As you read and focus on the blessings, you will receive the energy of them. This, in turn, assists you in releasing blockages and healing traumas that are holding you back from the life you desire. This exercise can be repeated as often as desired to achieve layers of healing.
* The Bag of Blessings contains 45 blessing cards from the 9 Healing Angels of IET. Scroll to the bottom if you’d like to learn more about the Bag of Blessings and the Healing Angels of IET.
How to receive the energy of the blessings
You will receive the energy by your intention to do so. Please feel free to use your intuition or to follow these suggestions:
Read the summary of blessings and the detailed messages.
Close your eyes for a moment, relax into your breathing, and feel your attention turning within.
Particularly focus on your heart center and feel it open.
Next, open your eyes and softly gaze at the summary of blessings.
As you breathe, imagine you are breathing their energy into your heart center.
Sit for as long as feels right for you.
As with any intuitive guidance, take only what resonates with you.
This Month's Blessings
Angel Blessings Summary from the Bag of Blessings
Archangel Michael blesses you with Safety
Angel Sarah blesses you with Adventure
Archangel Raphael blesses you with Illumination
Detailed Interpretation
Archangel Michael reminds us that as we move forward into the unknown, we are always safe, supported, and guided. He helps us release fear that holds us back from making the changes that we desire to make in order to create a better life. Oftentimes we resist change because we fear the unknown. This card helps us move forward with strength, confidence, and the full support of our angels.
Angel Sarah supports us in letting go of any sense of stress and powerlessness. She helps us go with the flow of life. This card, blessing us with adventure, may sound exciting to some and scary to some. If it sounds scary, go back to Michael’s card blessing us with safety. Sarah’s card reminds us that there is so much more beauty in the world that we haven’t yet allowed ourselves to experience. Her healing energy helps us flow through this adventure with more ease and optimism.
Archangel Raphael supports us in remembering our divine connection, our oneness with divinity and with all that is. This card blesses us by reminding us of the infinite source of wisdom that is always available to us. If you are struggling to “figure things out”, try allowing this illumination to flow freely instead. You may find spontaneous inspiration comes to you at an unexpected moment. The blessing of this card lifts your consciousness to a higher vibration where all is known, and the possibilities are limitless.
Would you like more information?
The 9 Healing Angels of IET are working closely with mankind to help us reach a state of “Heaven on Earth”. Each Angel assists us with a specific aspect of our healing journey. They help connect us with our life’s purpose and help remove any obstacles that prevent us from living it fully. Ways to learn more:
Join me for my monthly group healing online event “Angel Connection & Healing Session”. Learn more here.
Book a private IET distant healing session here.
Find my full schedule of events here.
Learn more about the Healing Angels of IET in the book “Healing Angels of the Energy Field”. It can be purchased here.
Purchase your own Bag of Blessings here.